Articles tagged ‘Chris forster’

Open Modernisms, Part IV

In this five-part series of blog posts, I am recounting, by way of documentation, the process by which the modernist community has begun to create a free, digital anthology of modernism. Parts IV and V summarize the MODSOURCE email list in November-December 2014; this installment summarizes the major debates, while the next and final installment will focus on the technical details.

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Open Modernisms, Part III

In this five-part series of blog posts, I am recounting, by way of documentation, the process by which the modernist community has begun to create a free, digital anthology of modernism. This installment summarizes the email exchanges among Claire Battershill, Chris Forster, Andrew Pilsch, and myself between November 10th and 14th, when I sent a summary email to the entire board.

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MSA Debriefing

The annual convention of the Modernist Studies Assocation last week was, I think, the best I’ve ever attended. From the cabbies, the hotel, and the restaurants to the activities and events and the organization, it was fantastic to see a convention go off so swimmingly. (Must file away those tips and tricks for NAVSA 2016 here at ASU, including the axiom that conference hotel must be haunted.)

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